8 x 8-inch Eternal Flower oil painting
8 x 8-inch Eternal Flower oil painting
Christina D. Galagarza works diligently to give your wedding memories a textured, vibrant touch. With her years of experience and a close eye for detail, she will be ready to turn your bouquet or centerpiece into a work of art.
Do not wait to start working with Christina on your custom flower painting. A 50% deposit ensures your artwork is completed for your anniversary, holiday, birthday, or new home move-in date. The balance is collected when the picture is completed and before shipping. Shipping is calculated in the final invoice. After checkout, email eternalflowerpaintings@gmail.com with images of your flowers.
Some questions for you:
+ What life event were your flowers a part of?
+ What did you love most about your flowers?
+ Did you work with a florist? If so, give them a mention.
SIZING & PRICING4 x 4 inch | $225
8 x 8 inch | $450
8 x 10 inch | $500
11 x 14 inch | $650
16 x 20 inch | $850